[ dora ] [ nis2 ] [ iso ] [ isae ]

Assess. Share. Learn. Repeat.

Together with the financial sector in Denmark, we have created a compliance platform for vendors and the financial sector. The vision is to make a compliance platform, where both vendors and customers deliver their compliance data to make IT more secure.

the tour.

We believe in turning compliance into security.

say no more.

We want to enable companies in saying no to annoying assessment requests from customers. By using the platform you have already assessed yourselves with a multi-compliant assesment, that you can share with your customers. It's free for your customers to sign-up and see your data, so they have no excuses.

Instead of wasting time on filling out assessments, you should use your compliance team for what they are made for - improving the compliance internally and in your supply chain.

the vision.

Imagine a future with one assesment to your value chain.

We do. And we are developing a platform that changes the nature of compliance processes within companies around the globe. Remove all the time waste and focus on improving security.


By creating a single platform with one comprehensive assessment for all your customers and vendors, we aim to significantly reduce the time spent on repetitive and time-consuming assessments with similar questions. Our goal is to streamline the assessment process, allowing you to focus on improvement rather than just providing information.


Our platform is designed to be scalable, offering assessments that grow with your needs. Share relevant data with your stakeholders and use a limited set of questions to evaluate less critical vendors. Begin with a self-assessment and expand to assess multiple vendor lines as you progress.


We strive to provide a clear path to cybersecurity improvement for you, your vendors, and your customers. Our platform enables you to compare your security posture with industry standards and set requirements for your vendors. Cybersecurity is a collective effort; it’s about the combined security of you and your vendors.

the features.


available now


available now


available now


available now


available now


available now


available now


coming up


coming up

supply chain

available now


on request

Made by a united sector

Facilitated by informs.
